Well, my new copilot arrived about a week ahead of schedule. He was born full term and all that jazz.
This won't be a long post, as I've spent most of the past few days either in the hospital, getting the house final-prepped, and running errands to host the visitors coming to see both of our families' first grandson.
New baby selfie |
My wife hates that shirt as I invariably wear it outside of St. Patrick's day season. It features a leprechaun (like the Lucky Charms guy) with the caption "Lucky". We certainly felt lucky that Thursday morning.
Getting dressed for the ride home. |
We got to leave Saturday morning. The truck was still airing out. The fumes were appreciably diminished, but there was to be no arguing with a pregnant lady about what vehicle her baby boy was going to ride in. I actually had to agree. He came home in a Nissan nonetheless- the wife's Rogue.
Guys with nice trucks get laid.... |
I went to Babies R Us today to pick up a second base for the car seat to outfit my truck. The stroller came with a car seat and base. The bases can be purchased separately for ready transfer of the carrier/seat between vehicles.
And then they have to go to Babies R Us to deal with the aftermath... |
Well, I was delighted to see this 4Runner. I had hoped to run into the driver, but alas, we missed one another. I'll have to look at the photo closely, but the rims at least gave the appearance of bead locks. It was also fitted with a Gobi Ladder and rack. Kinda pricey if all one is doing is mall crawling. No, I suspect this guy might actually wheel. Or at least he used to until he started having to make runs to Babies R Us.
Rear view of his Gobi ladder setup |
So now with the two of us posed here, I'm certain other 'regular' customers were like, "Who is breeding with these jokers?!" Well, I can only hope that we offroad enthusiasts grow in sustainable numbers.
Dodge Power Wagon with hidden winch. I respect your gangster |
Right across from us was this Power Wagon. I award the owner several points for the discreet hidden winch setup. It says, "I don't have to be showy or flashy to get the job done". Well played, sir or madame.
I'm off this week. If the little guy continues to settle in well, I may actually get to finish up my electrical system. There just hasn't been much continuous sleep in the evenings due to feedings and such. I can't really help much with that as they recommend his nutrition comes straight from mama for the first two weeks and then later reserves can be pumped out for bottle feeding. I'd like to have the truck fully ready with also some provisions for bottle storage/preservation should we find ourselves in a Bug-out situation. I really need someone to raffle off an ARB Freezer/Fridge. I don't think anyone else offers anything close, but at $800, it is quite a pricey investment. We will see.
Probably still a few weeks out before I can venture out to a nearby trail guilt-free to test out the Coopers and generally scratch the trail itch.
'Til next time.
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